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  • Sparks,  NV
  • United States

Company Description

Founded in 1992 as a functional ingredient manufacturing company, RIBUS Inc. supplies natural and organic rice-based ingredients to companies around the world. As the Original Clean Label Ingredient Company™, RIBUS produces non-GMO, natural, organic, vegan and gluten-free ingredients for the food, beverage, pet and dietary supplement sectors. RIBUS’ patented technology and ingredients can help solve production issues while bringing innovation and clean labels to a wide variety of products.

Brands: Nu-RICE | Hydration Aid Nu-BAKE | Dough Conditioning + Emulsification Nu-FLOW | Anti-caking Agent Nu-MAG | Lubricant Nu-BIND | Binder Nu-FLAC | Plating Substrate for Flavors/Colors Nu-SORB | Blend Oils into Powder

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