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- Fairfield,
- United States
Company Description
Nature's Ingredients, Inc. offers the highest quality brands of plant-based products found in todays market. Our Ortiva® Rice Proteins, Pisiva® Pea Proteins, and Monk Fruit Sweetener are the natural and food safe answer to the harsh chemicals contained in many of the ingredients used in nutritional products. With neutral flavor profiles, light color, high functionality, and high protein or sweetener content – the creative possibilities are endless.
Brands: Ortiva®, Pisiva®, Hemptiva®, Monk Fruit Sweetener, Faba-tein™ (Fava Bean), Mung-b-tein™ (Mung Bean), Chick-p-tein™ (Chickpea) proteins, fibers, starches; Rice Milk Powder, rice and pea peptides