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Andean Valley Corporation

Booth: 1654, F65

Contact This Exhibitor

  • El Alto,  La Paz
  • Bolivia, Plurinational State of

Company Description

Andean Valley is a private company with over 25 years of experience in the trading of Organic Products based on Quinoa. We process, produce, and export a line of over 50 products, organic, gluten free, Vegan, lactose-free, free of preservatives and artificial flavors and free of genetically modified ingredients, to more than 22 countries around the world. We use Royal Quinoa from the southern highlands of Bolivia as our main ingredient.

Brands: Andean Valley Grains,Flours, Precooked Flours, Flakes (White, Red, Black) Premixes (Based on Royal Quinoa) Burguer, Pizza, Crispy Coating, Brown rice and spices, brownie, flan, pudding, pancakes.

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