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  • Sergeant Bluff,  IA
  • United States

Company Description

Collagen Proteins: From Pre-Season Training to Game-Day Performance Collagen peptides from GELITA are the ticket to reaching peak performance by building stamina, strength, and muscle mass while supporting tendons and ligaments. GELITA’s winning team of gelatines for soft-capsule, hard-capsule or gummy delivery systems is also sure to score big. Discover how #AmazingCollagen and #AmazingGelatine can be your most valuable players. Trust GELITA to coach you to success.

Brands: Bioactive Collagen Peptides® BODYBALANCE®:Always in Shape FORTIBONE®:Collagen Matrix Stimulation FORTIGEL®:The Joint Health Revolution TENDOFORTE®:For Connective Strength VERISOL®:Beauty from Within GELITA® Gelatine:Take Delivery Systems to the Next Level

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