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Drizzilicious, Natural Endurance, & Smart Fries by Snack Innovations

Booth: 4983

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  • Brooklyn,  NY
  • United States

Company Description

Gourmet Basics - The Smart Gourmet Snack Company, Makers of the award winning Slim Chips and Smart Fries . Our Specialty is creating delicious innovative better-for-you snacks. Stop by and check-out our new "Slim Chips", "Pop Rings", and "100% Awesome Popcorn" ...& our NEW Super innovative Awesome Snacks!

Brands: > Smart Fries - "Air Popped Potato Sticks" > Slim Chips - "Supercharged Popcorn Chips - w/ Chia, Quinoa, Flax" > Pop Rings - "Popped Onion Flavored Rings" > 100% Awesome Popcorn - "Premium Air-Popped Pop Corn".

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